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My video's concept involves two distinct parts. The first part features energetic techno music, symbolizing my intense moments dealing with projects, assignments, and the challenges of daily life. Suddenly, everything comes to a deliberate halt, transitioning into a serene and emotional piano melody, beautifully composed by my friend. This second part portrays the moment of my emotional breakdown, where I experience heartache, but also find strength and growth through the immense love and support from my friends. It's also mean that I have myself, no matter what.


As I worked on my assignment, I wondered about using references and getting inspiration from different sources. I decided to ask for a reference to help me with my work. It made me think that, at the beginning, we don't have our own ideas. We "steal" from others - taking ideas, objects, and works to create something new. I realized that I'm like a collector who gathers ideas without picking and choosing.


But there's a right way to use other people's work. I learn "how" to do things, like understanding the elements, techniques, and sources involved. This helps me create my own unique stuff. I haven't told my lecturer about these thoughts yet because lack of time.




An explosive cup of coffee: My team have 3 people include me, Kelly and Ella. As a Aquarius ambivert, i have no difficulty to connect my new friends. We have a small adventure around a school finding things on the check list. Fun fact: Both me and Kelly can't consume caffein so we called a hot chocolate instead (4.89$)


A wide net strung above, bulging under the weight of its flying paper cargo: a large net was suspended overhead, filled with fluttering paper objects that caused it to bulge under their weight. We stumbled upon this sight near the bustling RMIT Connect, surrounded by a crowd. Curious to interact, I attempted to jump and touch the net, but my height proved to be a limitation.


Study space fit for a Sith Lord: a study space fit for a Sith Lord. Not much people know about Sith Lord, and we try to Google it. There's los of interesting gossip that happen at that place, but I better not tell it... By the way we found the place thanks to Kelly.


A wide machine, dispensing beverages from a far away lan: in a distant and unfamiliar land, we encountered a vast vending machine that dispensed beverages. Not much to say, but we tell the experience we have with the vending machine. Actually we don't even know if this is a right things or not...


Book containing Digital Media wisdom,found amongst man: One fun fact that we couldn't find any book that have exact word "Digital Media". So we take a picture from the computer searching in library.






My favorite place is on the 3rd floor of Building 9 at RMIT University. It's a hidden spot where students can relax after a tough day of studying. I found it by chance when I saw a bunch of flyers that looked like they were from a magical wizard school Hogwarts, and they got my attention. Because of those flyers, I joined the Ctrl+ club as a member animation film as a volunteer. Before, I used to feel left out, but this place became my own cozy retreat for thinking and getting inspired. I like lying on the sofa or the desk, and there's even enough space under the table to hide comfortably. The best part is the sound from nearby classrooms, which makes me feel like I'm underwater, and it's soothing. All in all, this spot is really special to me, a place where I can be myself and find inspiration




Small exercise in class when Neroli ask us to choose one short cut of movie that we like to analyse. The film that i choose is "Little forest", Korean version, which the main character are preparing very traditional cake with her friend. I was hungry and frustrated at that time so this scene just very calm me.





Neroli give time for us to think some of very deep question, which to define ourdelves. I try to quite all key words that define my self, also visualize them. As I have feeback from K.c, i think that my ideas kinda too big. That still not tell clearly who I am.

















There are 3 areas that i found the keywords for: past, personality, aspirations and interested (based on the requirement). After bunch of words, I choose some very specifc random things that i think that could be worked. At first, the obsession is some things that really easy for me to develop. And I have some first sketches.

"How to be more me" I asked myself.

I look things through my eyes. But my soul just see what I want to see. That's usually limitted me. So why don;t i just make a film how "my eyes" see the world when I come to Melbourne?


The short film will mostly used by my real previous footage that i already film in Melbourne. I've always thankful myself for this habit. Of course, I do make plan to create new shot. Coincidently I will be at Brighton Beach so why not use this chance?


I did 2 storyboard and the latest one become the kinda complete version for my film. I always try to make things the most organized as i could, then break it later, at more detail then.


Here is the very first version I produced, lacking any additional fancy sound effects. Surprisingly, it turned out to be quite intriguing, even though it deviated from my initial plans. It's fascinating how the creative process can lead to unexpected and interesting results.



At first, I planned to call my work "Day of Days," showing my daily routine in Melbourne. But during filming, unexpected things happened, like when my friends got injured while filming on the beach in Brighton, or when I felt heartbroken ending a friendship. I want to see these moments as happy accidents and embrace spontaneity. So, I've decided to name it "Footprint," as it reminds me of the early stages of my time in Melbourne and the impact it had on me. Most of the film also includes shots of my own foot. The main idea hasn't changed, but now I'm telling the story in a more emotional way.






Free Music For Creators n.d.,, viewed 4 August 2023, <>.


Computer Keyboard - typing sounds.wav by yottasounds n.d., Freesound, viewed 4 August 2023, <>.

Light Switch (on / off) by Breviceps n.d., Freesound, viewed 4 August 2023, <>.

Norwegian train.wav by sterferny n.d., Freesound, viewed 4 August 2023, <>.


running by Topschool n.d., Freesound, viewed 4 August 2023,



Shaking glitch patch_2(dstrt,dcmtr,flngr,cnvlvr,eq,xctr).wav by newlocknew n.d., Freesound, viewed 4 August 2023, <>.

Freight train passes a station.wav by dibko n.d., Freesound, viewed 4 August 2023, <>.

walk road.wav by taure n.d., Freesound, viewed 4 August 2023, <>.


Ngo, D & Nguyen, N 2023, My melody, July.




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